Free Online Course on Climate Science and Policy
The University of Queensland is offering free online course on Climate Science and Policy. This course will help you to understand the size of the problem and policy options that could start to make a difference. In this ten week course, applicants will understand climate science and the role of policy for transitioning to a […]
Free Online Course on International Women’s Health and Human Rights
Free Online Course on International Women’s Health and Human Rights International Women’s Health and Human Rights is a free and introductory online course offered by the renowned Stanford University, USA. This course is directed toward undergraduate university students, but high school students and anyone else interested in the health and human rights of women will […]
Oferta de empleo para Licenciado/a o Diplomado/a en ciencias de la salud
Medical writer, GOC networking (Barcelona) Descripción del empleo Consultoría especializada en proyectos del Sector Salud busca incorporar un Medical Writer con experiencia previa y capacidad de ofrecer un servicio de escritura especializada a profesionales de la salud, en agencia del sector salud, de manera indefinida a su plantilla. Buscamos gente autónoma, con ganas de aprender […]
Jornada Alimentación y salud en el entorno laboral
Jornada Alimentación y salud en el entorno laboral: situación actual y nuevas tendencias, 17 de noviembre en el Hospital IMED de Valencia.
Durham International Junior Research Fellowships in UK, 2018
Course Level: Fellowship is available for undertaking research. Study Subject: Fellowship spans the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and proposals should be linked to research programmes of the Institutes and their constituent research centres. Scholarship Award: JRFs receive a training allowance of up to €7k p.a. to fund fieldwork and conference attendance, research consumables, publication costs, impact and outreach […]