Pos-Doc Researcher (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031949)
Project: Exposure to food additives and contaminants from food processing and packaging: Defining patterns and their effects on adiposity and cognitive function from childhood to adolescence (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031949).
Scientific area: Health Sciences
Admission requirements:
The candidate must have: 1) PhD in Public Health, Medicine or a related field (certificate); 2) Experience in research projects (certificate/letter of recommendation); 3) Good publication track record (papers published in international peer-review journals)
Activity outline: The researcher will be responsible for handling tasks related with management of dietary data bases from the national dietary survey and also from population based cohorts, tasks related with the fieldwork in the scope of the Generation 21 birth cohort, namely related with the collection and handling of new dietary data, and also he/she will be in charge of analysis of quantitative data and the production of scientific papers.
Work place: Institute of Public Health of the University of Porto, under supervision of Carla Lopes and Duarte Torres. Address: Rua das Taipas 135-139 4050-600, Porto, Portugal
Duration: Work contract with non-fixed term according to the Labour Code, with the expected starting date on October 2018. This contract cannot exceed the project’s duration.
Monthly salary: The monthly salary is set in accordance with the provisions in RJEC, article 15, no. 1, corresponding to level 33 of the single salary scale approved by Decree no. 1553-C/2008 of the 31st December, at 2,128.34 Euros gross. The salary is paid 14 months per year.
Call start and finish dates: September 11 to September 24, 2018.